After 12 years of dedicated service and innovation at Epic, we are proud to announce the promotion of BJ Swanner to Los Angeles Area Regional Manager. From Epic’s headquarters in Torrance, BJ will manage all real property consulting, right of way acquisition, relocation advisory assistance, and property management services for agencies and engineering partners across Ventura, Los Angeles, and Orange Counties. BJ’s re-organized Los Angeles Regional team now offers clients a unified service offering that more seamlessly transitions early-phase project planning into the property rights acquisition phase—one team, one data set, and more efficiencies to share with our clients.
BJ started at Epic in 2007 as a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) specialist, nurturing his software skills to develop Epic’s proprietary web and mobile platforms for cost estimation, property management, and real estate project management. Over the last five years, BJ has headed Epic’s Planning and Project Development Division that studied preliminary design alternatives for regional transportation and capital improvement projects across California and the Northwest United States. BJ and his team identify real property and community impacts, work with designers and environmental specialists to mitigate those impacts, and estimate the cost to acquire the necessary rights. Valuing design-phase considerations and regulatory compliance, BJ also spearheads Epic’s QA/QC Taskforce to drive consistency in project risk assessments, compliance checklists, status reports, and templates across all Epic’s operating regions: from California, to Oregon, Washington, and Idaho markets. BJ’s proven leadership, technical skill, and acumen for quality assurance ensures excellence for the Epic Los Angeles office.
Fun fact: BJ and his wife welcomed their new baby girl into the world on October 14. Congratulations on your growing family, BJ!