On Thursday, April 30th, the Women’s Transportation Seminar (WTS) Inland Empire Chapter will be holding an informational seminar essential to working in the current and rapidly changing environment in the AEC Industry. Panelists will include some major procurement specialists in SoCal, including Venita Anderson (Senior Contracts Administrator of Capital Projects for OCTA), Jeffrey Hill (Procurement Manager at SBCTA), and Jose Mendoza (Senior Procurement Analyst at RCTC). EPIC’s very own BJ Swanner will also be a panelist discussing his recent experience with a virtual interview from the private sector perspective and what our team has learned. This seminar will dive into various topics including the probability of agencies to conduct virtual interviews, hear about the issues faced by both SBCTA and RCTC, as well as OCTA’s lessons learned from their most recent virtual interviews. If you would like to attend, please click here to register at WTS-IE’s EventBrite page. We look forward to sharing our team’s experience with fellow industry professionals and hope to *virtually* see you there!