EPIC California Senior Regional Manager, Kari Anvick, and Assistant Regional Manager, Darcy Mendoza, attended the Business Development Association – Inland Empire’s (BDA/IE) 7th Annual Golf Tournament with a fun Star Wars theme in the spirit of Halloween! As the one of the sponsors for the event helping to provide fun photos of the experience to attendees, EPIC was delighted to attend what has become an annual tradition for our firm! Held on October 21, this annual event raises thousands of dollars for the Unforgettables Foundation whose mission is to assist at risk and grieving families in the Inland Empire with financial support to afford a timely and dignified funeral for children that pass away all too young. The mission of BDA/IE is to provide networking opportunities; educational and informative programs; and personal and professional development to members and guests, including the fellow public and private organizations that many members firms serve within the A/E/C industries.
Pictured left (from left to right): Darcy Mendoza (EPIC), Steven Latino (Michael Baker International), William Pope (Michael Baker International), and Kari Anvick (EPIC)